Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dream of Doll Cosplay + make up trial

No, it's not a product :P but me in cosplay as Arie from Dream of Doll (DOB series). At first, I'm not really confident with this cosplay since my body is round, hourglass shaped. But it turned out to be pretty good :D. My skin's tan, but i used make up for theatre (what's the English of 'dempul'? lol) and stockings to hide my hand and feet skin. Added hairban for the ball-joint effect on my hand. If i dont wear wig, my face looks like a ghost. It's soooo pale :D, hahahaha. I wore it twice, first when I become the judge at KiSaMa Hobbyfest at SMSR, second at cosplay contest (as a contestant) at Jogja Nastional Museum. Got The best Costume prize, but you know... actually I can't beat the Gundam and Red Dragon costume if it's not because the make-up points. Maybe. Well. That's it. Yeah.
The make up at second day was more convincing since I use reference make up from Michelle Phan. From that day, I'm interested in make up thingies (again) :D. I made some make up experiments after that. I really really miss cosplaying again... it's my first cosplay after... how many months ago? Maybe in this year? Oh my...

As Near from Death Note. I've cosplayed him a few years ago (when I was still slimmer, lol), but that time I have zero idea about make up for play xD. This time, I use all the knowledge I know for the make up!

The make up trial for DOD cosplay. Actually, this is the softer version. The second one (which I haven't uploaded yet) was more convincing, with the triple eyelashes effect and lots of eyeliner :D really, I'll be scared to see my own face, lol. The kind of doll who's pretty at day and scawie at night, I guess? Hahaha.

It's Eriol,  Karluk from Otoyomegatari. I'm gonna cosplay him soon, with Rai, but dunno when, lol. Put a sunglass on him, and he'll be Eriol. Really, what's wrong with people making character with shota-face but adult-personality? Is it some kind of fetish?

Anise Tatlin from  Tales of Abyssinian. Miss to cosplay her, since I sew the Tokunaga Doll by my self but I LOST IIITTTT ;;A;;. Aaaaa.... I want to make it again but kinda... lazy *spanked* :D. Well, oh well, but the costume's kinda sexy and I'm not sure if I can wear it again. i mean... I have to lost at least 5kg more... *sobs*

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